3 ReasonsWhy Internal Communicators Should Ditch External Email Marketing Software

1. Employee Directory Integration

Email marketing software requires list management work: regularly importing and uploading your employee lists and likely requesting updated employee lists from IT or HR. No list management is required when an internal tool plugs directly into your existing global address book. And if that’s not enough, these internal tools often integrate with your HR systems to automatically import and maintain updated employee lists — so you don’t have to manage anything; you can just write and send your messages.  

2. Reliable Delivery

While email marketing tools make designing and sending fancy HTML emails relatively simple, it’s a waste of time if your beautiful messages don’t reach the intended inboxes. Modern anti-spam tools often target messages sent by email marketing software, which means your internal comms messages could end up in junk, spam, or promotional folders. If an email is delivered successfully, your system will flag it as external, making it easier to ignore. When filtered into a spam folder or blocked entirely, employees can miss important events, updates, deadlines, and news, which negatively impacts employee engagement. By saying goodbye to email marketing software, you can minimize the risk of employees feeling disconnected. 

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3. Accurate Analytics

In addition to better, more reliable inbox delivery, specialized internal email communications tools produce more accurate data because internal security controls do not block images and links. Email metrics are blocked when recipients have to “click to download” images or get link warnings. Data accuracy is essential when sharing internal comms results with leadership. With more accurate data, you can prove the results and outcomes of your communications efforts. 

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